It appears that the Freetype library shipped with XFree86 4.2 is binary incompatible with what shipped with 4.3 and the top of tree. The problem is a bunch of renamed symbols, as described in xc/extras/freetype2/ChangeLog:

2002-02-24 David Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Renaming stream functions to the FT_<Subject>_<Action> scheme:

          FT_Seek_Stream    => FT_Stream_Seek
          FT_Skip_Stream    => FT_Stream_Skip
          FT_Read_Stream    => FT_Stream_Read
          FT_Read_Stream_At => FT_Stream_Read_At
          FT_Access_Frame   => FT_Stream_Enter_Frame
          FT_Forget_Frame   => FT_Stream_Exit_Frame
          FT_Extract_Frame  => FT_Stream_Extract_Frame
          FT_Release_Frame  => FT_Stream_Release_Frame
          FT_Get_XXXX       => FT_Stream_Get_XXXX
          FT_Read_XXXX      => FT_Stream_Read_XXXX

Freetype includes a compatibility API in xc/extras/freetype2/src/base/ftapi.c but this is not included in the XFree86 build of Freetype. I'm not sure why this has not reared its head earlier but on Mac OS X qt3 linked against XFree86 4.2.1's Freetype fails with XFree86 4.3.0:

dyld: kdeinit Undefined symbols:
/sw/lib/libqt-mt.3.dylib undefined reference to _FT_Access_Frame expected to be defined in /usr/X11R6/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib

Mac OS X is perhaps different in that XFree86's version of Freetype is the de facto standard and other versions of Freetype are often not present. In any case, we should probably fix this for XFree86 4.4. Any reason not to include ftapi.c? We should probably also push this change back to the 4.3 branch.

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