Alex Deucher wrote:
does Xv even work without a colokey?

Yes, at least on SiS hardware. There are 16 combinations of src and
dst combination (video-ROPs) available, include the standard one (video
if background = colorkey) and all possible combinations of chroma- and colorkey (which monstly aren't so useful after all).

I'm not sure if they refer to source and destination, but on radeon you

I guess whatever the docs call "source" and "destination" refers to source = "video" and destination = "graphics".

can adjust keycontrol based on graphics or video values and it's that
part that I don't understand.  there are three bit fields: one for
graphics, one for video and then a mix field that sets whether you
display video and graphics or video or graphics.  Perhaps you can help
me interpret what they do.

Sure, but I am afraid I need the exact wording of the docs.

I think it will be like that: If the alpha stuff is activated, the
video overlay doesn't care about the colorkey anymore. Or perhaps you need
to change the ROP (if such a thing is on Radeon) to ignore the colorkey.
Do you see the entire video (if alpha avtive) even if another window
covers a part of the video window?

yes exactly!

there are 3 alpha modes: key, global, and per-pixel.

> key uses the
colorkey to display the overlay but can blend against the colorkey
value. It's useful for fading in/out the desktop or the video.

> global
mode blends the video with the graphics layer no matter what. so any
windows over or under the video get blended and you can't obsure the
overlay, it just blends.

> per pixel mode seems like the most flexible,
but I can get anything useful out of it because I think it assumes you
have an alpha channel in the framebuffer (8888 or 4444, etc. formats).

Supposedly meaning:

1) key: If video or graphics data is inside or outside a certain color range (colorkey = graphics, chromakey = video, whatever they mean by "key"), do something - like, as you say, blend against the colorkey. Hm, I don't see any real usefulness in this. Did you experiment with that? Is it really the colorkey the blend against?

2) Global - simplest variant: Define one global alpha value for the whole overlay, regardless of the video's or and background's color.

3) per pixel: Second your idea, assumingly this will require a 32 bit ARGB graphics background; video is being blended with the background depending on the background's alpha value. (The other way round would be somewhat impossible as video data can't contain alpha data, unless the ATI folks expect highly unusual and non-standard video data; don't think so.)


Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net
twini AT xfree86 DOT org

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