On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 12:36:52AM +0100, Harald Nordgård-Hansen wrote:

>While I'm at it, there seems to be a quite significant delay from when
>changes are published on the cvs-updates list until they are available
>with cvsup from anoncvs.  Is there any information available as to how
>information is replicated onto anoncvs for the rest of us?  (It's
>quite annoying having seen some changes published that I want to test,
>and having to wait ~12 hours for it to become available.)

We're operating within the limitations of the old hardware we have.  It
doesn't help that one of our servers died about 6 weeks ago.  The
combination of security concerns and maintaining usable performance for
committers requires separating the master CVS from the public anoncvs
server, and limits the frequency with which the public anoncvs server
is resynchronised.

I think our resyncs are still more frequent than you get on sourceforge,
for example.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer                      The XFree86 Project
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