Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

been corrected later, with a follow email from Harold.

It's a simple change to put that right in the CHANGELOG. So I'll do that.

I had that on my next set of commits.

Then why not say so earlier?

There was no point in doing so.

Sure there was: you would not have exposed yourself as a hypocrite by doing exactly that which you denounce on your home page (pointed out by Daniel Armburst). You lambast those "egotistical plagiarists" that steal credit for patches by not properly attributing them to their authors, yet you did the same thing and threw a tantrum when I pointed it out:

"This is a collection of some of the patches which I have made to GNU programs. I have submitted these patches to the appropriate maintainers, but received no acknowledgment. That is, they were ignored. In a few other cases, I have seen my changes incorporated without credit, but that is another matter. The former (nonexistent or non-responsive maintainers) are preferable to the latter (egotistical plagiarists). [...]"

You own self interest would have been the point in coming clean earlier.

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