On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 19:18:55 +0000, M Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To the best of my knowledge XFree86 4.3.0 supports all Radeon cards.

Yes, but not 3D.

>XFree86 only provides 2D, for 3D acceleration (which is OpenGL not
>X11) you need to get the ATI binary drivers from ATI's website. Because 

That' s exactly the problem. The 3D acceleration does not work for 9800XT. I
know at least one other guy with an XT and he sold it after a few weeks and,
bought an nVidia instead, because it doesn' t work.

>XFree86 cannot control these drivers, please direct any questions to the ATI
>technical support forums. 

Technical support forum from ATI has exactly one answer: Linux is not
supported blablabla.

They don' t even bother to answer questions which is not related to
installation as long as the magic keyword linux is included. :(

I wonder if it was the wrong decision to buy this card and go for an nVidia
instead. :(

Gerhard Gruber
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