This is probably a little OT for a developmont list, but I am
hoping that there is a guru here that can help me. I have posted
this qeustion to several other lists (including xfree86-user and not
received a single response, but I hope things are different here.

Here goes:

I am currently running 2.6.0-mm2, and have experienced some strange
behavior from XFree86.  Basically, I had to install the ATI fglrx
driver to get decent performance in Neverwinter Nights (a Christmas
gift, w00t).  My card is a Radeon 9000 Pro, and I am running X4.3
on Debian unstable.

The driver (version 3.7.0, released on 12-29-2003) builds fine against the 2.6 kernel, but when X starts I receive this error:

(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:0:1) found

The Xserver promptly crashes after that message.

The strange part is that under 2.6.0, this error is fatal and causes
the X server to fail to start.  Under 2.4.23, the error message
appears in the XFree68.log, but it is not fatal.  I have Googled
around for quite some time now and cannot find this specific problem
mentioned anywhere.  There is much discussion about the error message,
but not this situation where it works in 2.4 and not in 2.6.

Any ideas?


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