On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> i have an XDA-2 phone and have just recently managed to get the
> touchscreen driver working (sort-of) and also managed to get
> a basic framebuffer running.
> xtiny-fbdev works absolutely fine.
> anyway, i would like to be able to make use of the device to make
> a demonstration / talk, and to use it as part _of_ the talk.
> it occurred to me how i might achieve that, with the limited success
> so far.
> the idea is to use the XDA-2 touchscreen as a keyboard / mouse driver
> for another x-server.
> in principle it's quite simple: run X on the XDA-2, run a small
> keyboard program on it which communicates over Bluetooth to
> _another_ X server on a machine running an overhead projector
> screen.

> in implementation terms, it's a kind-of extension of the VNC and
> rdesktop principle.
> the difference is that [some new?] x-windows program _generates_
> x-events which need, somehow, to be treated as an Input device to a
> second x-windows server, but there is no requirement to forward the
> Screen events from the second x-windows server _back_ to the
> x-windows program running on the first x-server.
> i believe that, when it is put like that, there probably already
> exists some software (i recall seeing something like the xvfb
> package under debian? no, that's the virtual framebuffer one - i
> think i mean Xnest) which is typically used for testing purposes
> that could be adapted to do the job i describe.
> i don't really know - i'm just throwing in ideas, see what sticks :)

x2x, at ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/SRC/x2x/x2x-1.27.tar.gz
allows you to use the keyboard and mouse from one X display to drive
another X display.

I think you would need to modify the from end of it since it is rather
difficult to move a touch-screen mouse off-screen, but it might give
you a good part of what you need.

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