On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Peter Breitenlohner wrote:

> > > yes, that was it. I have revoked my changes to xc/programs/xdm/xdmcp.c
> > > lines ca. 1420ff (patch-16-IPv6, kludge) and instead fixed the (s/!=/==/)
> > > and this works for us, except on the notebooks without network connection.

> > > When I have some time during the easter hollidays I'll try to figure out
> > > that last problem.

> > OK.  Thanks for getting back to me on that.

> Hi Marc,

> meanwhile I did some strace-ing and wrote a small test program and therby
> finally have found out why our notebooks (when off the network) took such a
> long time (ca. 10min) to start xdm.

> This was caused by the IPv6-enabled xdm only insofar as in that case
> `getaddrinfo' is used to resolve hostnames as opposed to `gethostbyname' in
> the IPv6-disabled version. As far as I can see the problem could equally
> have occured if IPv6 were supported by the linux kernel.

> There was an accumulation of several circumstances, some of them particular
> to our setup. I give a somewhat detailed description what happened, because
> other people might encounter similar problems (delays).

> 1. we have a CHOOSER hostlist with 51 unqualified hostnames (we can't use
> "CHOOSER BROADCAST" for various reasons).

> 2. `getaddrinfo("host", NULL, NULL, &ai)' (as used by xdm) produced a 10sec
> timeout, whereas `getaddrinfo("host.domain", NULL, NULL, &ai)' as well as
> `gethostbyname("host")' give an immediate answer.

> 2.1. the glibc-2.[23].x implementation of
>       `getaddrinfo("host", NULL, NULL, &ai)'
> first queries the nameserver for "host.domain" and then for "host" (whereas
> `gethostbyname("host")' only queries for "host.domain"). I don't have the
> slightest idea what's the reason for this pecularity (feature or bug) of
> getaddrinfo since from the nameserver's point of view a domainname "host"
> without any dots doesn't make much sense.

> 2.2. the nameserver (ISC bind-9.2.3) on the notebook has forward and
> reverse slave zone files for our domain, but for sure couldn't resolve an
> unqualified hostname. Unfortunately it was configured to forward the request
> to resolve "host" to other namesevers (recursion), thereby producing a bad
> timeout. Disabling this recursion of the slave nameserver has solved all the
> problems we had.

You seem to be implying that "host.domain" isn't resolvable, which doesn't make
much sense.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 developer and VP.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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