Ben Knights wrote:
> 4) Suggestions for projects would be great.

Participate in WikiLearn (a project to learn / document learning) of any
open source related subject.

Among other possibilities, you could either directly choose to help with
WikiLearn (among other things, pick any existing WikiLearn page, and vet
it for correctness (and clarity), or instead, as you do work toward any
other project (perhaps XFree86 related) document your path and learnings
on WikiLearn (starting new pages as appropriate (i.e., as you deem

I'm afraid I'm being a little cryptic so maybe looking at WikiLearn
would be helpful.  Maybe start with  (Note that my
changes have tapered off in the last several months as I've made more of
my notes in my offline "replacement" for twiki, but getting someone else
to participate should help rekindle my enthusiasm.)

If you're not familiar with a wiki, let me know and I'll provide more
background, but in general it is intended to be an on-line collaborative
environment where anyone (or almost anyone -- we can discuss that) can
edit anyone else's contributions in order to improve them.  TWiki keeps
a revision record of each page, which, for those that care, can be a
permanent record of attribution.  (In addition, as a matter of "policy"
on WikiLearn, I like to see a list of contributors on each page, not to
be deleted even after massive edits by others.)

If this idea doesn't sound appealing to you, write to me and let me know
why, maybe I need to adjust the focus of WikiLearn.

If I haven't said it yet, the first draft of a WikiLearn page is not
expected to be a finished polished product, but something that inspires
the next person treading that path to improve it.

Randy Kramer

PS: The problem may just about solved for me now (once I try some of the
recent potential solutions), but something I've been wishing for ever
since I started the switch to Linux is a keyboard macro facility that
let me create shortcut keys for arbitrary "boilerplate" text and enter
it into the application (any application) with the current focus by
pressing a keyboard shortcut.  Although there may be solutions available
now, some of them work (IIUC) only in specific environments (for
example, KHotKeys for kde) -- such a utility that worked for any X
application would be a specific project that might still be worthy of
attention.  (There are also some test type programs that record and
playback user actions that might solve or almost solve the problem, but
those that I tried to test a few months ago did not work well for me.)
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