Hello XFree devel list

I am the maintainer of the Yoper distro and we are loyal to XFree.

Our Gnome 2.6.1 setup (all latest libraries across the board) is currently producing an error upon login that says

Error activating XKB configuration. Probably internal X server problem

then it suggests to run

xprop -root | grep XKB


gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb

The output of is which returns: _XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING)="xfree86","pc104","us","", ""

and respective

gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb

After spending nights (literally) hunting down the bug within Gnome I have found the only relevant postings regarding a similar bug in Xorg with the hint that it was fixed by upgrading libxklavier. After doing that I and the brave users who use Gnome in Yoper still had the same error.

My programming skills are low compared to my sysadmin skills, so all I could do is try out Xorg in form of SuSE's src rpm and here you go .. the error message is gone.

Now all I can think at this point is that xorg has the bug and XFree hasn't but I might be very much wrong.

I assume it has something to do with loading the keymap's correctly.

Since I am no programmer I can only offer practical help here to fix it as I really intend to stay loyal to XFree, I hope that one of you XFree guru's could lend me 10 fingers :) and find the possible Bug in XFree or at least exclude once in for all that it is XFree.

Thanks in advance


Andreas Girardet

Yoper principal maintainer
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