i just got an old 386 pc with a greyscale display. Since there is no hard-disk 
and floppy has a little to less space for linux with an x-server, it uses 
Terminal emulation over the serial console works fine, so i thought there must 
be a way to get an "remote" x-server on that screen to use all the advantages 
of a linux-gui. So i sat down, wrote a dos-programm that can write pixels or 
draw rects on the screen and which receives its commands from the 
serial-port. Now the only thing missing is a driver for the X-Server to tell 
him how to write graphics to the serial-port.
Since I'm not that familiar with the X-architecture, I was wondering how to 
start this driver. I looked at the dummy-driver-source, but all i found there 
was initialisation stuff and nothing to wrap the actual routines for drawing 
on the screen.
Another idea i got, was to communicate using sockets, but that would mean, 
that i have to implement the xdmcp and the x-protocoll, which seems likely to 
be a quite larger piece of work.
So if anybody understands what i'm trying to do, maybe he could give me some 
hints to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance
Hagen Fritsch
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