On Thu, 16 Sep 2004, [windows-1252] Martin MOKREJ` wrote:

I tried current cvs from anoncvs.xfree86.org on Linux i386 and have hit several problems:

cannot compile krb5 support. I use krb5 implementation from ftp://ftp.pdc.kth.se/pub/heimdal/src , so you should BTW update docs saying not only MIT Krb5 is needed for this. They are compatible usally for apps quite well. See attached file "maketxt" for compile errors.

The tree's krb5 interface is targeted for MIT's implementation, so it's understandable that the tree doesn't even compile with Heimdal. You are free to submit patches to rectify this.

I cannot compile freetype stuff, see "makegentoolike.txt".

Gentoo's (external) libfreetype2 is too old (2.1.5). Upgrade it, or build the one we provide (2.1.8). FWIW, there's also a masked ebuild for 2.1.9.

Now, I'll grant that what you've tripped over here is a _potential_ binary upward-compatibility problem, but it's one to be investigated with, or reported to, the FreeType people.

config/cf/README doesn't include all variables, for example look at those gentoo is using. Many of them are missing!

xc/config/cf/README is meant to document DDX-neutral settings, not XFree86-specific ones.

It seems #define Krb5Includes requires as a value "-I/usr/heimdal/include", am I right? Similarly for Krb5Libraries.

... a consequence of "1)".

here is missing lib/Xa/ directory. It is referred from lib/Imakefile and eanbled by the XAserver and XAudio variables. What's going on?

References to XAudio are quite stale, and have been for a lloonngg time. I'll remove them.



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