Not sure if this is the right place to report this but anyway;


Line 114: currentMode->imageHeight    = (info->FbMapSize / 

On my Radeon IGP chipset with 64MB of VideoRam, this value is calculated as
65536 (0x010000). Although here the variable is a 32 bit integer, later in the
dga library this value is truncated to a 16 bit integer, causing the driver to
report the imageHeight as zero. I added a single line beneath Line
144 to clamp the value to the max a 16 bit iteger can hold;

if (currentMode->imageHeight > 0xFFFF) currentMode->imageHeight = 0xFFFF;

This fixes the problem for my radeon, but I think the other ati drivers may
suffer from the same problem, but I do not have the hardware to test.

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