On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, David Dawes wrote:
I've reproduced this with another multi-head combination.  It turns out
that the i810 isn't a good test of font save/restore because it doesn't
overwrite that data during normal operation.

The problem is that the font data isn't getting saved/restored correctly,
as can be seen from the fact that running 'setfont' fixes things up.  A server with 4.4.0 modules worked fine, and I tracked the
problem down to a change to the rac module:

   if (!flag) {
       return TRUE;

The problem with this optimisation is that "flag" is only set for
"operating" state requirements, not for "setup" state.  RAC assumes that
setup state operations always need to be wrapped in multi-card
configurations.  To eliminate even this wrapping, additional flag bits
would be needed to describe setup state requirements, such as access to
VGA resources for font save/restore, etc.

OK. I'll back that out for 4.5 and figure out something else later.


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