On Wednesday 25 May 2005 08:15, Sergey Babkin wrote:
> The drivers have the defaults compiled into them
> which can be changed from XF86Config. The problem
> is that the ELO driver has (had?) it's defaults
> set to 0-16K as well, so without an explicit
> setting in the config file it does not work
> in any useful manner.

Sorry for chiming in rather late on this one.  Been away for a bit...

I doubt that setting the defaults for the ELO drivers would make much 
difference -- the driver would still be effectively useless until calibrated.  
My experience with their integrated monitor/touchscreen combos has been that 
you can make *no* safe assumptions about the orientation of the touchpanel 
WRT the monitor.  I think they must flip a coin each day on the assembly line 
or something.  :) 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Director of Broadcast Software Development  |
|                           |             Salem Radio Labs                |
|  The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to    |
|  choose from.                                                           |
|                                      -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum             |
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