
I was told that the wizard pen driver works for the USB version of this controller:


I have not tried it so not sure if it will work for a PS/2 interface (which I have too), but maybe the driver writers can help.


On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 11:20 +0200, Stefan Strobl wrote:

I just joined this mailinglist and hope this topic hasn't been discussed 
to many times before.

I've got an existing touch driver for the touch controller UR7HCTS2 from 
semtech (which is connected via the PS/2 interface) for Linux kernel 2.4 
and XFree86 3.3.6. Now I need to rewrite the driver for XFree86 4.2.0 
and have some problems. It starts with include files such as 
"xf86Procs.h" and "xf86_Config.h" that don't seem to exist in 4.2.0 
anymore. This is my first attempt to write a driver for XFree86 at all.

Can anybody point out a good documentation on how to rewrite a driver 
from 3.3.6 to 4.2.0?

Usually, is it a lot of work to rewrite such a driver?

Has anybody experience with the UR7HCTS2 controller?

Any comments are appreciated.
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Quentin Olson
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