On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:08:24 -0600, Marc Aurele La France wrote:

> On Sun, 22 Apr 2007, SciFi wrote:
>>> On Sat, 14 Apr 2007, Marc Aurele La France wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, SciFi wrote:
>>>>> 4.  Link problems with xedit, may be Darwin-only(?)
>>>> Possibly.
>>>>> Build Log snip:
>>>>> [...] -L../../../exports/lib   lsp.o -L. -llisp -Lmp -lmp -Lre -lre
>>>>> -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib
>>>>> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>>>>    [...]
>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> <<<<
>>>> I'd like to see the _complete_ command line that fails, not just the
>>>> tail end of it.
>>> Anything more on this?  Is this related to your GNU make upgrade?
>> oh I just saw this ... having weather & connection problems etc.
>> here...
>> No ... as I mentioned I've seen this kind of problem with other
>> projects albeit rarely.  I'd blame the Apple linker on such occasions
>> for losing the symbols, whatever is causing it we have no idea.  The
>> symbols _are_ there in the .a files. (IIRC the libdvdread project does
>> this, too, and there are others, all usually fixed by including the .a
>> files...)
> One possibility here is that it is finding a libmp.dylib in a
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH path, /lib, /usr/lib, or /usr/local/lib.  If so, then
> the fix would be to #define ExtraLoadOptions to -Wl,-search_paths_first.
> Marc.


Holy guacamole this is getting too strange.  Please bear with me,
I really need to explain some things that are related to your

For background:  Even though Apple's current docs say they would
honour LD_LIBRARY_PATH (probably due to their promise to be more
Linux-friendly), in actuality we've never seen it work.  Instead
we must set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for Darwin/OSX systems.

Now to the meat of this issue:

In my /usr/local/lib are the GNU MP 4.1.2 libraries named -- you
guessed it -- libmp.a & libmp.dylib (plus symlinks to the
versioned names).  AFAICT this is their latest version.  I need it
for some other projects I think related to the FFT libs which
again are needed for some other projects.  Talk about a naming

I could try putting /usr/X11R6/lib ahead of /usr/local/lib for the
DYLD_ env just for starting X11 and tasks it spawns, but we then
have a crazy problem if we include /usr/X11R6/lib AT ALL in that
path string -- anywhere: late, early, first, middle, last -- it
makes no difference.

The biggest crazy problem is that this will disable the Macromedia
Flash plugin for any & all web-browsers:
2007-04-02 05:36:26.495 firefox-bin[6726] CFLog (21): Error loading 
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Flash Player:  
error code 4, error number 0 (Symbol not found: _gluTessCallbackCFM
  Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
  Expected in: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.dylib

Another crazy problem is that we see the console printing this
message for _any-and-all_ tasks using that DYLD_ setting:
dyld: warning DYLD_ setting caused circular dependency in 

Some weeks ago I opened problem #5104136 at
to log these interrelated issues with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and

(By the nature of the 'free' ADC account, the bug-reports aren't
made public, searchable, or otherwise sharable.  If you want I
could c&p the discussion going on there.)

What's even more strange is that I cannot find any file whatsoever
*anywhere* with the string 'gluTessCallbackCFM' -- even in the
calling libs (AGL Frameworks & Flash plugin files)!!!  (hmm I am
assuming the symbol tables are not encoded with 16-bit ASCII/UTF
like with some M$ stuff...)

That happens with libGL[U].dylib coming from Apple's X11 on the
Tiger install DVD with their updates from a few months ago.  It
also happens with the _new_ libGL[U].dylib being built from
current XFree86-cvs!!!

The only way to fix this for real is to remove /usr/X11R6/lib from
the DYLD_ path entirely.

But I want my test env to be sure to use my newer builds of libs
in /usr/local/lib no matter what.  (There are settings in each
user's ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist that control these paths for
the Finder and GUI stuff itself.  To get the system itself to find
stuff there first, we set+export DYLD_ in the /etc/rc.common
script which ought to propagate to all other boot tasks.  For the
system GUI stuff, we edit root's ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist as
well.  This way we get the whole ball of wax to use e.g. the
latest iconv+intl libs and many many many others.)

So my test env isn't going to be able to scan /usr/X11R6/lib at
all until/unless Apple fix this bug.  But maybe that isn't the
real problem with this particular xf86 build problem.  Do you
think I should add '.' as the very first path to DYLD_ -- I don't
think it is implicit?  (Right now I actually do have '.' as the
very last path here.)

Didn't mean to get so long with this post, but you brought up
something related I needed to get out into the public for others
to see anyway.  ;)

I'll definitely try your patch, but I wonder if it will really
affect the craziness going on here with DYLD_ -- but maybe with
'.' added first might be a workaround for now.

Thanks for slogging through this with me.  :)

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