The meeting notes and recording are now available:

We discussed status updates on several features, and also the future of the
OpenZFS github account.

The next meeting will be February 26 at 1PM Pacific time.

Here are the notes from this meeting:


   Code review progress on redacted send/recv (Paul D)

      Still need people to review chunks to minimize code churn

      BrianB: What is the schedule for 0.8? This wouldn’t make .8 because
      they are trying to get this out in Feb/March (as quickly as possible).

   TRIM update (Brian)

      User visible change is to align CLI with vdev … Everything else is
      under the covers

      Looking for reviewers this week! Please review it if you have time.

   Update on default pool features to enable (Josh P)

      Bootpool hasn’t been considered. Proposal to include thoughts about
      this to spark the broader discussion.

      Josh P will send email with a consensus proposal. Please send
      feedback / questions. As needed, discuss at the next meeting

   Remove dedup-ditto (Matt)

      This is very little used and not very useful. The option still
      exists, and the system can deal with existing pools. But users won’t be
      able to use this functionality going forward.

      Silence and encouragement for removing this.

   Remove zpool remap (Matt/Brian)

      It is possible to get value out of this in certain circumstances, but
      there are lots of caveats. Also, the cost to maintain it is significant
      since there is a bug that causes a panic if you’re removing a device
      (remap) and a receive hits at the wrong time.

      Seems like this functionality also isn’t much use, and isn’t helpful.
      This has already been removed from Linux since there were no tagged
      releases (and it was new to Linux). Command line options were removed in
      Linux, but the code is there and disabled. At some point in the
      not-too-distant future, the code would be removed.

      Propose removing it from illumos & FreeBSD (shipped in 12.0 in

      It is possible to get value out of this in certain circumstances, but
      there are lots of caveats. Also, the cost to maintain it is significant
      since there is a bug that causes a panic if you’re removing a device
      (remap) and a receive hits at the wrong time.

      Josh C: Seems fine to remove the mechanism. For illumos, they will
      probably want to think more about what to do with the command
      warning, etc)

      Allan Jude: Seems to make sense to neuter it as soon as possible so
      that people don’t start to rely on it. Similar to Linux, there should be
      and exit 0 and error.

   Log spacemap (Serapheim)

      Upstreaming of this feature, which improves random writes. It is an
      on-disk format change

      Opened multiple PRs in ZoL to break down the changes.

      Aiming to have a pull request for the feature end of this week /
      beginning of next week.

      There are a lot of metaslab changes.

      Igor: What about upstreaming to OZFS and illumos?

         Serapheim: Planning to do this work after ZoL, and will do it as a
         separate change. Mostly the code is the same. Will give an
update at the
         next meeting.

   Fast clone deletion (Sara)

      Originally developed on illumos as well. Pull request for OpenZFS and

      Performance enhancement for doing clone deletion, and tying it back
      to the number of changes on the clone.

      PR has a lot of information about the design and implementation.

      Igor: Please share performance details about this change.

         Sara: Perf results are in the PR, will add test code for
         reproducing the results

   How many event/fault management frameworks exist? Can they be unified?
   (Michael Dexter)

      On illumos is system-wide, not just ZFS. Not sure about other

      Igor: Should we port FMA to other platforms?

      Don B: In Linux, they emulated enough of FMA to get things working,
      and there is a README in that code that provides some details. In Linux,
      they had ZFS Event Daemon (ZED), and that allowed them to share the same
      modules as illumos.

      Josh C: FMA provides details about faults and their resolution. It
      goes through sysevent to a daemon. Events are collected across
the system,
      and then you can correlate errors from across the system and
ties those to
      issues in the vdev layer. It would likely be problematic to put
all of this
      into ZFS because the broader context of the system and source of
the error
      would be missing.

      Josh P: FreeBSD also has some emulation. There was a lot of effort
      put into getting things working, and he would prefer not to touch it at
      this point.

   OpenZFS/openzfs github repo (Matt)

      Primary motivator to create this repo: Make it easier to get changes
      into illumos for non-illumos developers (e.g., porting ZFS
changes from one
      platform to another).

      Secondary motivatory: Gives visibility to the project and community
      rather than having changes and activity distributed across
      platform-specific repositories.

      The primary motivator is still valid and valuable. It is also a lot
      of work to maintain it.

      Delphix is spending the most time on this, but we’re going to be
      focusing on Linux going forward.

      Do people find it useful? Are others willing to take this on / help?

         Josh C: Joyent is looking to set up and maintain infrastructure
         this year (especially around testing), and provide facilities
and drive
         engagement. You’re welcome to rename it to “illumos”-something.

         Allan J: Does it make sense to also use it to help coordinate
         changes across platforms? Like changes to on-disk format.

   Mixing raw/non-raw send streams (Tom)

      Last(?) encryption issue (that we know of!)

      Tom is working on the PR



   Linux: Brian Behlendorf, Andreas Dilger

   illumos: Joshua M. Clulow, Kody Kantor, Sriram Narayanan, Jerry Jelinek,
   Sanjay Nadkarni, Joyce McIntosh, Roman

   Linux & illumos: Matt Ahrens, Paul Dagnelie, Serapheim Dimitropoulos,
   Sara Hartse, Prakash Surya, Don Brady, John Kennedy, George Wilson, Alek

   FreeBSD: Rainbow, Josh Paetzel, Pawel Dawidek, Allan Jude, Kirk McKusick

   Cross-platform: Michael Dexter

   Project management: Karyn Ritter

Other attendees:, zfslurker, sef, Igor Kozhukhov, Dan Langille, Richard
Elling, ram, Rich Teer,, Ryan Moeller, Tony Hutter, Alexander Motin, wombat


On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 9:17 AM Matthew Ahrens <> wrote:

> The next OpenZFS Leadership meeting will be held tomorrow, January 29th,
> 11:00am-12noon Pacific time.  *Note the earlier time for this meeting!*
> Everyone is welcome to attend and participate, and we will try to keep the
> meeting on agenda and on time.  The meetings will be held online via Zoom,
> and recorded and posted to the website and YouTube after the meeting.
> The agenda for the meeting will be a discussion of the projects listed in
> the agenda doc.
> For more information and details on how to attend, as well as notes and
> video from the previous meeting, please see the agenda document:
> --matt

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