On 10/18/13 4:36 PM, Prakash Surya wrote:
> Other than what Matt brought up, it would be nice to have a way to
> override the default values without recompiling. But we can add that to
> the Linux port as needed. I don't really know how you guys support that
> sort of thing.

On the Linux port I think the guys add sysctl's to change these values.
In Illumos we simply use mdb and modify the in-core value at runtime
(that's essentially what /etc/system does).

> Also, it _might_ be useful to move statements like:
>     Using the default settings these values translate to ~1 MB of hash
>     tables for each 1 GB of physical memory.
> closer to the variable declarations just to try and ensure the comment
> is updated if the default values are ever changed. But maybe I'm being
> overly pedantic.

Then it would be further away from the general theory statement. I don't
know, I have no strong preference either way.

> Do you have any before/after values for the max chain length from your
> testing? It should be easy(?) to grab it from the arc stats and would be
> nice to have numbers to justify the change.

Yeah, just grab see the hash_ arcstats on your systems (kstat -n
arcstats | grep hash_).

> Looks good, overall. Thanks.

Cool, thanks!

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