Pierre van Rooden wrote:
> This vote succeeded, a CVS repository (name to be decided, 'packages' 
> perhaps?) will be created, and it is now permissable to propose 3rd 
> party applications as packages for this cvs repository.
> Tasks:
> The release manager (Michiel) is requested to create a new CVS repository.
> The CVS Monitor/patch manager (Nico) is requested to place the rules for 

I think you mean new CVS module. There is no need for a complete new

About the name. Since in the same phrase you call it 'applications' and the
current module is called applications, I would propose
'third-party-applications', or so, to not contribute to the confusion. I
think a 'package' is the result of a build on an 'mmbase application' (or
you can talk about a 'package containing an application'. Well err, I don't
know. I think Daniel wants 'packages'.

We should consent about terminology before we can choose a sensible
name for the CVS module.

I propose the following entries for documentation/glossary.xml, please shoot
at it, after which I will add this to documentation, to settle the issue
once and for all..

- application:
  1. An 'mmbase application' is a modular piece of functionality, which can
     contain code (jars, classes), templates and a piece of an object model,
     with possbily some data, and other resources. A tool implemented with
     MMBase means.

     I think this thing is perhaps also called 'package' by some.

  2. In the 'apps1' framework, 'application' refers to only the object model
     and data.

  3. An 'authentication application' is one of the handlers - identified by
     a string - of a certain security {authentication} implementation, to
     deal with a authentication request. Most security implementations
     support a 'name/password', a 'class' and an 'anonymous' authentication
     application, but these modules can be pluggable, and some
     implementations allow for a unlimited number of these. In taglib this
     is shorthanded to 'authentication' rather then to 'application' (meant
     is the attribute of the mm:cloud tag).

  4. Copied from WordNet:
   3: a program that gives a computer instructions that provide
      the user with tools to accomplish a task; "he has tried
       several different word processing applications" [syn:
       {application program}, {applications programme}]

- module:
  1. An extension from org.mmbase.module.Module, such as MMBase.java itself.
     In MMBase modules are started on initizalization, and are configured by
     an XML in <config>/modules (which contains only key/value properties). 
     Modules were more important in the SCAN era, where they provided all
     kind of auxiliary functionality. Nowadays they mainly provide a way to
     plug things in the bootstrap of MMBase accompanied with a convenient
     way of customization.

  2. CVS is divided in 'modules' which can be seperately checked out.

- package:
  1. A package is the concretization of an application (1). It is the thing
     which you can download and install, or burn on a CD.

  2. In java a package is like a directory of classes. It is the part of a
     fully qualified class name until the last dot. All MMBase classes are
     in the org.mmbase package or subpackages of that.

- bundle:
  1. A bundle is a special kind of package (1) containing other packages,
     and distributed as a unit.

  2. A resource bundle is generally a bunch of property files (or something
     functionally similar) , see java.util.ResourceBundle.

- component:
  Has no MMBase specific meanings as far as I'm aware.
  It means approximately 'one part of a whole', 'something that can be
  installed in some program to make it more powerful'.

- extension:
  Has no MMBase specific meanings as far as I'm aware.
  In java you can 'extend' classes, and extensions of classes are therefore
  specializations of some kind of functionality.

- template

  1. A JSP-file with belonging css, javascript and images, also XSL's are
     templates. The customized pieces of front-end code which arrange
     presentation of MMBase data.

Michiel Meeuwissen                  mihxil'
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum                [] ()
+31 (0)35 6772979         nl_NL eo_XX en_US

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