Simon Groenewolt wrote:
> Recent builds of the 1.7 stable branch and the cvs head support using 
> the request scope to store mmbase variables (next to the previously 
> already existing page and session contexts) -- thanks Michiel! In the 
> light of recent discussions about using a model-2 architecture (or not) 
> this is a very useful addition.
> Using the request scope is a good alternative to using parameters to 
> pass along with the request which was previously the only way to pass 
> varables to another page when including or forwarding.

To add to the joy I also added some convenient support for it in mm:include.

Like this:

<mm:import id="test">Ja ja, een variabele in request-scope</mm:import>
<mm:include page="test2.jsp" attributes="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />

<mm:import from="request" externid="foo" id="bar" />
<mm:write referid="bar" />

This is less confusing then using mm:include with referids.


Michiel Meeuwissen                  mihxil'
Mediacentrum 140 H'sum                [] ()
+31 (0)35 6772979         nl_NL eo_XX en_US

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