Op 23 jan 2008, om 11:39 heeft Ted Vinke het volgende geschreven:
What I'd like is to prepopulate a certain field of a node with a dynamic value.

e.g. I've added an 'author' field to the attachment builder and I'd like to have the current user's username prepopulated in the 'author' field when starting the editwizard for a new attachment. The user can then decide to clear this field and/or modify the field with another value.

I've looked at get-, set- and commitprocessors, but it seems that the getprocessor I've written only is fired on an existing attachment. I somehow can't get it to work to return the current username with a new attachment.

I am not sure if I would use my own processor for this, since there is already some functionality in datatypes that has the same effect:

<field name="editor" readonly="true">
<description xml:lang="nl">Automatisch gevuld veld met auteur</ description>
   <guiname xml:lang="nl">Auteur</guiname>
<datatype base="lastmodifier" xmlns="http://www.mmbase.org/xmlns/datatypes " >
   <maxLength value="32" enforce="never" />

I've also looked putting this logic in the editwizard, but seems to me only _hardcoded_ values can be prepopulated in a field, instead of a variabele cloud.user.identifier or something. I also can't pass the username as a variabele since the attachment wizard is only called from within other wizards.

I believe it is possible to pas a variable to all wizards, also to the ones called by others. A wizard url could contain a variable, for example 'pool':


You can then reference it like this:

<command name="search" nodepath="pools,article" startnodes="{$pool}"
  fields="article.title,article.body" orderby="article.title" age="-1">
  <prompt>Zoek naar artikelen</prompt>
<command name="startwizard" inline="true" wizardname="all/article/ article" objectnumber="new" />

In article.xml you would write:

  <action type="create">
    <object type="article">
      <relation destination="{$pool}" role="related" />

To relate it automatically to the pool.

I'm using 1.8.4. Has someone developed a solution for this issue: either by get/setprocessors or editwizards themselves or something else?

I hope I understood your question correctly.


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