On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 16:53, Ernst Bunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For my vpro-wizards application i like to write some tests that extend from
> MmbaseTest.java.
> Does this mean that the vpro-wizards have to be a module?

Probably not. Them to supply a jar is probably enough, because
mmbase-modules also contain jsps and things like that which are not
tested by these junit test in 'tests'.

> What would be the most simple way for me to run these tests?

Possible would be to produce a maven-artifact, add it to
install-dependency and add the tests to build.xml of tests. That would
also be the preferred way if you want the tests to end up in the
'nightly' tests finally.

> I must admit i find the whole build procedure very puzzling, and i don't
> understand a great deal of it anymore.
> I feel some documentation is probably in order. Also i wonder if the
> ant-maven hybrid is really so very nice. It definitely seems to add to the
> confusion. is this temporary?

I did not find it usefull to try and translate a working ant-file of
tests and also of didactor to a maven build. It was easier to device a
generic ant include that would make it possible to use the maven
artifacts in an ant build. Probably it would also have been possible
to simply wrap the current ant-build into a maven build which at least
arranges the dependencies in maven itself, but I was not sufficiently
proficient in maven to get that done in a short time. Furthermore the
extra advantage of this, is that you do not need maven now, to use
this. For the test-cases this is a moot point, but I use the same
install-dependency trick also for the build of didactor. To build
didactor you now do not need maven, which is handy, because maven must
normally be installed manually, and requires some instruction.

I don't know if it is temporary. I was not planning to change this any
time soon myself.

Probably a full conversion is silly anyway because the implicit junit
tasks of maven are supposed to be run directly after a build. Many of
our 'junit' tests are more like 'integration' tests (and actually
start up a running mmbase) which only happen to be implemented using
junit. They can take several minutes to run, which would be
unacceptable for every build iteration.

So to somehow reproduce the current test scripts,  I think you would
end up with a lot of custom scripting any way,  so there is little
point in redoing that. At least I think that I can spend my time


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