
Michiel Meeuwissen wrote:

Simon Groenewolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Today I stumbled upon a confusing situation involving an application (Forum) that has a jar that contains it's own taglibcontent.xml file.

That makes no sense. There should be only one jar with taglibcontent.xml: mmbase-taglib.jar.

I am not arguing whether it makes sense or not, just that the situation as described above currently is possible, and will lead to confusion. (Or at least it did in my situation)

I think that if you want to signal possible versioning conflicts with multiple taglibcontent.xml's in the current situation it's probably best to seal the org.mmbase.bridge.jsp.taglib.resources package, this will at least give you an error while starting mmbase instead of an error somewhere in a page after you add a jar.

Perhaps yes, how do we do that?

You can seal packages by creating/editing your own manifest file, and you can supply the jar tag in ant with a manifest tag to indicate which one to use.

However, if you use this option it also _might_ no longer be possible to put the taglibcontent file in the classes directory without removing it from the jar, I did a quick search on this one but I didn't find the answer yet. Also I am not really sure if all ClassLoaders will automatically enforce checks on sealing or that it is optional.


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