Title: Bericht
We are running into a problem with a JSP in which at some stage a field is updated and later on in the same JSP is requeried through a <mm:related> tag. The requeried value is not shown as updated.
When the entire JSP is executed again, through a refresh, the correct value is shown. Also, if we clear the multilevel cache, just before running the JSP, the behaviour is correct.
This leads us to the conclusion that the MultiLevel cache is not updated correctly when one of the nodes in its nodepath is changed. Or are we making some other mistake ? Why is it that the value is shown correctly only after refreshing ?
Is this a know problem ? We are running on MMBase 1.6.4.
We found an elegant workaround by adding a constraint attribute to the <mm:related> tag with a random value... 
    <% long random = new Date().getTime();
          String constraints = "" + random + "=" + random;
    <mm:related path="posrel,data,related,datatypes" constraints="<%=constraints%>" orderby="posrel.pos" directions="up">
Thanks in advance for any help,
Peter Reitsma
BEZOEKADRES Paletsingel 32
2718 NT Zoetermeer
POSTADRES Postbus 778
2700 AT Zoetermeer
TELEFOON (079) 329 58 49 
FAX (079) 321 58 99
  ir. P.S.D. (Peter) Reitsma


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