i have a new table called MemoPad, one webform called MemoPadList, and another webform called MemoPadInfo, and 2 menu items for each of these web forms. MemoPadList has a grid and display the list of records in the new table. MemoPadInfo show the details of one record.

When i click one of the record in the grid, it should go to MemoPadList page and display the details of that particular record.
Now my problem is no matter whichever record i click on the MemoPadList page, the MemoPadInfo page will always display the details of the first record.

I do the same steps, but now using SalesTable or any one of the existing Axapta table, then the filter is working.
Could anyone help on this? Do i need to configure something on the new table that i create so that in the MemoPadInfo page, it will automatic filter the record i selected in previous MemoPadList page?

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