

If i didn’t miss understand you, you made an import, maybe you have forgot to take 
label files.

Copy label file AXMID(lang-id).ald file to your machine. Label file must be coppied, 
they are not carried automatically.


Beside that if you change label of an EDT, labels in all sources using this EDT will 
change. To prevent make changes on table fields.


I hope yhis will help.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mikael Dalgård [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:21 AM
Subject: [development-axapta] Regarding Labels


Hi all


Somehow - some of the date fields in my Axapta 3.0, are being overruled by my own 
label file, like on the picture, down below:


I tried to build a new label file without any further luck. It seems like, that if I 
change the EDT label, it would solve the one case. But there are several places in the 
application, where this has changed.


My guess is, that this has happened during a import of a AOT project - and maybe some 
extends or something has changed.


Does anybody have a solution for this?



Best regards

Mikael Dalgård

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