For some reason priceagreements is not used on salesorders of type

I'm looking in to it, to may be able to fix it, but it seems complex.
Have any of you tried to do that?
Can you think of any reason not to use priceagreements on ItemReqs?

I've seen that even though I am able to set the price and linedisc
from priceagreements, only the price is on the invoice. The linedisc
is completly ignored.

I also - was able to tell that the reason for that, is that ItemReq
uses ProjTransItem returns 0 on ItemReq (se InitFromProposal on
ProjInvoiceItem). I picked up the linedisc and linepersent from the
inventtransid, overriding the linedisc and the linepersent-methods on
ProjTransItemTrans. Any sideeffects to this stunt that you know of?
Anyway - now I can see the linedisc on the invoice - but still the
amount is wrong. So now I am looking into changing the amount.

I just want some feedback on: am I going about this in a good way?
Have you got other suggestions?

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