Hi Girish,
could you not use the a batch job?
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RE: [development-axapta] want to understand how to create a record in the table (SQL) by writti (03-Mrz-2004 19:23)
Hi Jesper,
   thanks for the reply. the problem in this solution is that axapta is event driven and we have to run a job to import the data from the new table (created by external software). But the requirement is that as soon as the request is entered by Filemaker axapta has to pick the same. we need the same for some other functions also (to import /update the records created by file maker). if this has to work then there should be something which could triger the job (from Filemaker) which could then run the job of importing the records.
    If there are any work arounds in your knowledge which could help to solve this problem please do let me know.
   thanks again.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 March 2004 16:49
Subject: Re: [development-axapta] want to understand how to create a record in the table (SQL) by writti

Hi Girish,

I do not like external software writing in the Axapta tables. The reasons for that you describe yourself (problems with Recid).

Whar I like to do on integrations is to create an table that Axapta cann't se. (Other User, and/or other Database). I then use the ODBC class to access this table and pull the data into Axapta. Using Axapta to pull the Data solves the problem with Recid, gives you controle over tha datavalidation within Axapta.

Try something like this:

    LoginProperty   lp;
    OdbcConnection  _odbc;
    Statement       _sql;
    ResultSet       _records;

    lp = new LoginProperty();

        _odbc = new ODBCConnection(lp);
        info("Not loged in.");
    _sql = _odbc.createStatement();
    _records = _sql.executeQuery('SELECT ItemId, Qty FROM ExchengeTable');

    while (_records.next())
        print _records.getString(1);
        print _records.getReal(2);


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [development-axapta] want to understand how to create a record in the table (SQL) by writting p (03-Mrz-2004 17:29)

> Hi Guys,
>    our client was earlier using a different application (File maker) before
> we went live with axapta. some part of the business process is still done
> on
> the earlier application which we intend to slowly move to axapta.
>    our client is in computer repair business and the users are still using
> the old system to request for Items. we could manage to insert the request
> directly in the SQL table and axapta pickedup the records from that table.
>  1. This application has to run a sequence to update the recId field in the
> table (which some times gives duplicates and the request is lost). is it in
> some way possible to write some code in SQL table itself to populate the
> recId.
>  2. also is there any code which could be written on this table (with 3
> fields : Item, Qty requested). At start the first record would have just
> the
> ItemId populated and when the Filmaker updates the record with the Qty
> (quantity) field. Now at this stage is it possible that when the Qty field
> is updated some code on the sql table would automatically create a new
> record with the same Item but Qty field blank so that the Filemaker would
> require only to populate the Qty field.
>    i would appreciate if anyone would let me know if we can achieve this
> and
> how to run the code if we can achieve. i don't have much knowledge of
> running the codes on SQL directly.
> thanks in advance.
> cheers,
> Girish

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