
does your table that you inner join to the CustTable contain any
data that is related to the custtable record you are displaying?
Innerjoin displays the custtable records only if there is at
least one related record in your related table.

If that's your problem try join modes "active" or "delayed".


Raymond Andreassen wrote:

> Hi all,

> learning myself Axapta and I am stuck. Could someone advice me on the
> following issue:

> I want to extend the functionality of Customer form. The general idea is
> to have related information
> in forms, witch I call from the buttongroup on CustTable form. Lets call
> the form that pop up for FormX.
> No problem at all.
> I extend the design with a button, adds the following properties:
>       MenuItemName FormX.
>       DataSource CustTable.
> Works "fine"..
> The next problem is to limit the records shown in FormX to only the
> current Customer (selected in CustTable).
>       I make the FormX table.
>       Textboxes
>       Relation to CustTable (InnerJoin on CustNum)
>        Manually fill the FormX table with some data.
> Here come my problem:
>       No records are displayed.
> I guess the FormX doesn't know witch customer is displayed in CustTable
> form and therefore displays
> no records in FormX. An assumption is to pass some parameters from
> CustTable form to FormX.
> And the question is: If my guesses and assumptions are correct, how do I
> pass arguments from one
> form to another. I see from previous mails on this group that the
> psaudo-code may not be best practise
>       FormX _frmX = new FormX(CustNum);
> Or am I wrong here?
> In advance, tanks for *any* help.
> Raymond Andreassen
> Former J2EE, now .net and Axapta.



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