
After reading this discussion I did some test on the
CustTable. I am working on a generic conversion tool
in my spare time. The merge method could solve a few
problems I encountered.

I however have a question, if the merge method
encounters duplicate records in one of the children it
is trying to merge an error is thrown and the merge is

This happens with the table SalesJournalAutoSummary in
which records are created for each customer.

How are you dealing with these duplicate records? 
I assume you have identified these situations and deal
with them before executing the merge. Is that correct?

Danny Gaethofs

--- "Preston A. Larimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Correct Jens, if you take the job as is and run it
> on the demo data for two
> customers you should see all transactions, Invoices,
> picking list, sales
> orders, etc. moved to the destination customer.  It
> works well, MBS just
> hasn't had the time to work out the logic for
> cleaning up those tables where
> a decision has to be made on records to discard and
> keep in situations like
> I mentioned earlier.

> -Preston

>   _____ 
> From: Jens Strandberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 6:37 AM
> Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Joining two
> customers into one

> Preston,
> Thanks.
> Let me get this right: The merge method does it all,
> i.e. handle CustTrans,
> SalesOrders, CustInvoiceJour etc. etc. ?
> If this is the case it would be fairly simple, I
> guess...
> /Jens
>   -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>   Fra: Preston A. Larimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sendt: 18. november 2004 09:44
>   Emne: RE: [development-axapta] Joining two
> customers into one
>   Jens, the merge method takes care of all of the
> related tables for you, I
>   have a version of the code on the website in use
> at a client, and they use
>   it to merge customers frequently,  the manual
> processing only has to be
> done
>   on those tables where you would have to choose one
> version over another,
> for
>   instance if you had an external price set for item
> X on both customers,
>   which one to keep, we usually choose to delete the
> records for the
> customer
>   being merged so the external price for the merged
> to customer would be the
>   one kept.
>   -Preston
>     _____
>   From: Jens Strandberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:27 AM
>   Subject: SV: [development-axapta] Joining two
> customers into one
>   Preston,
>   Thanks for the direction. I guess the tricky part
> is to include all
>   references, when you do this (CustTrans,
> CustInvoiceJour etc...)
>   If the "Rename" option was just enhanced a bit,
> this would be the right
>   approach.
>   /Jens
>     -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>     Fra: Preston A. Larimer
>     Sendt: 18. november 2004 02:52
>     Emne: RE: [development-axapta] Joining two
> customers into one
>     This link is a basic job for doing this, it may
> need altered for the
>     customer specific use, but should be a good
> starting point for you.
>     -Preston
> <

> <
> &task=view&id=52&task=v
> >
>   &task=view&id=52&task=v
>   iew&id=52
>       _____
>     From: Jens Strandberg
>     Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:18 PM
>     To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Com (E-mail)
>     Subject: [development-axapta] Joining two
> customers into one
>     As you probably know standard Axapta does not
> allow you to join two
>   customer
>     (or supplier) records; i.e. if you have added
> customer A and later on by
>     mistake added the same information as customer
> P, you cannot combine
> these
>     two - moving all related records from customer P
> to customer A.
>     The only option you have is to change the
> primary key for a given
>   customer,
>     which is not very useful in this case.
>     As I see it, the only way to join two customers
> into one is to develop
>   some
>     piece of code that would do the trick for you.
>     Now, it would be easy to create such a script,
> if we could just see how
>   the
>     changing of the primary key is done. However,
> this is hidden well inside
>     Axapta.
>     I was wondering if any of you guys would have
> some ideas and pointers to
>     this issue. Also, if you happen to know a
> solution to solve this, this
>   would
>     be very interesting piece of information.
>     Thanks in advance.
>     /Jens
>     Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
=== message truncated ===

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