Make sure to read the best practices manual.
It really focusses on that.


      Rob van Brandenburg     
Cell: 905 975 8865     


From: Harry Deshpande [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: [development-axapta] Need help on Axap3.0 Exam Preparation


In additional to technical questions you will also have to be prepared
for sort of tecno-functional questions like on InventDim, InventTransId




From: Padmaja Iyingar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 15 January 2005 4:04 p.m.
Subject: [development-axapta] Need help on Axap3.0 Exam Preparation


MY company is pressurizing me to take the certification exam in AX3.0
programming ( new year gift!) from the company.
I have only 3 months of exp with Axapta, but working hard to learn
things. I have searched the forum very much to get an over view of the
Axam preparation on odentifying the type of questions.
Can anyone help me in identifying the exam sections to focus on with
breakup and I am planning to use DEV guid, Morphx integration and X++
programming guide. Are the question multiple choice question?. If
someone has some Sample Questions, Can you please share with me so that
I can get an overview?. How many questions should be answered correctly
and out of how many?.

Appreciate any help.
Padmaja Iyer

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Harry Deshpande
Senior Consultant
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