Renaming the .tmp file solved the issue.

--- In, "claudesgr8"
> Hi,
> I'm hoping someone can help me. As a result of the Rich Text
> issue with non-microsoft mail servers (ie. creating winmail.dat
> attachments). We have decided to use Outlook thru COM while
> reports. The mail formats are all as we expect, however it is not
> handling the attachment correctly.
> First you get the message:
> This item contains attachments that are potentially unsafe. . .
> anyway ?
> Click Yes. It creates the mail with the message - Outlook has
> blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments:
> AxaptaReport.TXT.
> Here is the code I have place in the Info Class:
> void reportSendMail(PrintJobSettings p1)
> {
>     SysINetMail m = new SysINetMail();
>     //<NZFS049>
>     COM outlook;
>     COM outlookMailItem;
>     COM outlookAttachments;
>     //</NZFS049>
>     // Syp Modifications - SP2 - BEGIN
>     // Request Num: GB-453-937-TCC7
>     str fileName = "AxaptaReport";
>     ;
>     if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::ASCII)
>         //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-
> 999)+'TXT';
>         fileName = fileName + '.TXT';
>     else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::RTF)
>         //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-
> 999)+'RTF';
>         fileName = fileName + '.RTF';
>     else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::HTML)
>         //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-
> 999)+'HTM';
>         fileName = fileName + '.HTM';
>     else if (p1.format() == PrintFormat::PDF)
>         //fileName = subStr(p1.fileName(),strLen(p1.fileName())-3,-
> 999)+'PDF';
>         fileName = fileName + '.PDF';
>     //<NZFS049>
>     //m.sendMailAttach(p1.mailTo(),p1.mailCc(), p1.mailSubject
> (),'Axapta report', FALSE, p1.fileName(), fileName);
>     //</NZFS049>
> //    m.sendMailAttach('','', '','Axapta report', TRUE, p1.fileName
> (), fileName);
>     // Syp Modifications - SP2 - END
>     //<NZFS049>
>     outlook = new COM('Outlook.Application');
>     if (outlook)
>     {
>         outlookMailItem = outlook.createItem(0);
>         if (outlookMailItem)
>         {
>             outlookAttachments = outlookMailItem.Attachments();
>             if (outlookAttachments)
>             {
>       ;
>                 outlookMailItem.subject(p1.mailSubject());
>                 outlookMailItem.body('Axapta report');
>                 outlookAttachments.Add(p1.fileName(), 1, 1,
> fileName);
>                 outlookMailItem.send();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     //</NZFS049>
> }
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Claude


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