Dear all, as the topic, I encountered a problem during create new line
for SO. The situation is this, we have 2 servers are running, 1 is
development server(with x++ licencse) and 1 is testing server(without
x++ licence). 

The project is running in development environment without any problem,
but the problem comes when import into the testing server. During
create SO line, it shows the stack error for class and table method.
Therefore, I imported all those missing "items" into the testing
environment and compile without any error. 

Eventhough I reimport back everything, it's still the same. When I
create a SO line,  it shows Error Massage as the following. Thanks.

Your Microsoft Business Solutions-Axapta session cannot continue due
to fatal error. An unrecoverable error occured while the Object Server
tried to process the last request.__________________________



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