Hello Trinadh

Which version of AX are you planning to install ?

Dynamics AX 4 - 
Netherlands and the US is integrated in the core layer. So this is not a 
Indian Localization is available as a seperate layer file - I am not sure but i 
think this is in the DIS layer.

So on AX 4.0 it is possible to install all these countries with a single AOS - 
(Application)File Server.

Axapta 3.0 - 
I am not sure what the situation is with this as the Indian localization is 
definitely a seperate layer. I think NL as well is a seperate layer.
US is in the core layer.
So there can be issues that need to be addressed before this can  be done.

Apart from all this , a thumb rule is as long as you dont have conflicting 
layer files single aos ,single database is a given.
I would say one thing about localization layers. 
How local is your company in all these locations ?
Do they need all the localizations for the region ?
Can you get away with installing the core layer and doing some small tweaks to 
achieve only the localization aspects needed (customization) for the region ?

This can surely happen that although a company has a subsidiary has offices 
around teh world , they maybe dont need all teh functionality like EXIM, local 
VAT, etc etc.
So a gap-fit analysis with the core layers + a gap fit analysis with the 
localization layers will give you a cost benefit in terms of whether you really 
need the localization layers at all.

Hope this gives you a direction to proceed.


----- Original Message ----
From: trinadh sura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ax - Knowledger Ax - Knowledger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Axapta 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 6:50:01 AM
Subject: [development-axapta] 3 Localizations into single AOS and Single 

Dear All,

We are attempting to deploy 3 countries localizations (Netherland, USA, India) 
into single AOS and single database. What are the options available and can the 
same be done as per the requirements, if not why? If there are alternative 
Solutions please suggest the same to us?

Best Regards

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