
To use a new number sequence, you need to be sure that the number
sequence engine has the proper reference to your new number sequence.
There is quite a lot to do besides creating the number sequence. The
Developer IV training manual has a whole chapter with the step by step
instructions for using new number sequences. Do you have access to
that manual or can you get a copy?  If not, I can try to reply again
with a quick summary of what all you must do.

For now, you should investigate what number sequences ends in _210
(Basic>Setup>Number sequences - menu item named "Number sequences").
Then find out what extended data type is linked to that number
sequence (using the other menu item "References"). That may give you a
clue as to why your book ID is picking up that number sequence.

Mary Ann

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 1:10 PM, syed baber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have implement number sequence framework in my module name Book and I want
> to autogenerate the field BookID . In the number sequene wizard I have given
> the format "B_######" but when i open the form the BookID Column contains
> number like "000005_210" ,"000008_210" etc. Can anybody let me know what is
> the problem. Why the BookID is not generated as I have mentioned in the
> format. I really want urgent reply.
> Thanks in Advance.
> bye
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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