Not sure about difference in days, but if you want the difference in years 
there's a method in Global class Global::yeardiff() which takes dates as 
parameters. Try your luck with it.

How can I figure out the difference in # of days between two dates?

Can it be done using a select statement as well?

The following t-sql is what I am trying to accomplish but if you can 
answer one or both of the above questions would help me get there as 

select avg(datediff( day, transdate, closed)) from custtrans ct (nolock) 
where accountnum=' aa122'and closed > '1/1/1900' and dataareaid=' demo' 
and amountmst>0 and transdate >= getdate()-90 

select custTrans where 
localCustTrans. AccountNum= ='ba368'
&& localCustTrans. Closed != datenull() 
&& localCustTrans. AmountMST > 0
&& localCustTrans. TransDate >= systemdateget( )-90;



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