The administrator can kill sessions from the Online Users form. But
that person needs to know who really is inactive. The session does
tell when the session started, so maybe someone needs to check
periodically and be ruthless to those who stayed on more than the
allotted time.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 8:59 AM, tavocol2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello to everybody.
> Currently our customer are using Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 with a
> limited number of licences (15). The problem is that the number of
> users are increasing but the general manager doesn't want to buy new
> licenses.
> So, based on the CEO decisions, we are managing the automatic logoff
> from user options form. And every user has a max time of 10 minutes.
> At the beggining that was good, but now, a large amount of users found
> a way to prevent that AX shutdown their sessions. The current method
> to doing that is when you create a new record and a field is set as
> mandatory. When the auto logoff try to shutdown the session, the
> validateWrite throws the warning that the field has to be filled.
> This kind of methods are stoping the productivity, because you can see
> users in the middle of the morning taking a break of 20 minutes and
> their sessions still active. And other users that has tons of work
> with problems because the users aren't free.
> Exist any kind of code or mod to force AX to shutdown the AX session???
> Than you very much :D
> Gustavo Adolfo Camargo Téllez
> Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer
> MDO Consultores Asociados S.A.
> Bogotá D.C. - Colombia (South America)

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