--- excerpt

I am working on a project and have created a form calculates the number
of  allowed rental cars per months. It tracks the allowed, rented and
remaining slots. This is saved in a table and the form is called from
the CustTable form. My questions is this table is a user(account number)
specific and I want to create another or similar form that is going to
be address specific since same customer (or account number) can rent
again but  return it to different locations (address specific). Same
logic will be used, however the logic checks the rental entry with the
allowed number and if it car rental requested more than allowed and it
is placed on a credit hold with a reason. I plan to use the Address form
for the address.  What do you suggest for this? I am thinking to create
another table for the lines (address specific) and do the logic on a
form base or add a class to do the logic.



I believe your first requirement is "Limit how many cars can be rented
by a CustId".   MaryAnn's suggestion about adding the check to the
credit-limit processing is good.  Your second requirement sounds hazy.
Why are pick-up and return addresses customer-specific?  I would think
addresses would be tied to a rental location or possibly tracked as part
of each rental transaction.  In other words, are there other elements of
your project that track a rental where you could track the pick-up and
return locations?


Jim Chwaszczewski

Wipfli, LLP


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