Hi champs,
In order to restrict the user to use the purchase order I am giving no access 
permission to the user that belongs to the user group say “xyz”. Will select 
the user group xyz in the user group form and will go to the permission tab and 
select the security key in the drop down of the View field. In the tree 
structure AP -> Tables (full control)->Purchase orders and made it as No 
After the above setting I re-launched the AX for that particular user, it’s not 
allowing to open the purchase order form which is expected behaviour.
Now through code how can I check the user has access to purchase order. Using 
hassecuritykeyaccess method I can pass the securitykey but which security key 
to pass is my confusion. Because the security key attached to the purchtable  
menuitem is “VendMisc”(Miscellaneous node in permission form tree structure AP 
-> Miscellaneous) and security key attached to the purchtable table is 
“VendTables” (Tables node in permission form tree structure AP->Tables).
Could anybody help me on this.
Srinath. S


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