> Yes, I mean if QtQuick2 is designed to reduce memory footprint for
> non-ui applications it makes sense to keep UI components in a separate
> module. I'm just arguing that if the Window module will just contain
> the Window component, it wouldn't worth it to keep this component in a
> separate module, since there are other UI components much less useful
> like the Flipable and the Flow components.
> Br,
> Adriano

Yes, but the reason we are putting it in it's own import has nothing to do with 
memory consumption. It has to do with not exposing features in the default 
namespace that we later might want to remove.
Flipable and Flow are perfectly usable in your web browser or sandbox 
environment, but Window exposes power and functionality that we might want to 
remove for specific environments. Another argument is that I would rather have 
a full blown Window component in the QtQuick Desktop API that also exposes 
properties like minimumSize and window modality. And at least putting the 
QtQuick Window into it's own namespace makes that possible. I would prefer to 
just expose all of those properties on the core QtQuick window itself though.


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