
We (QtWebKit team) intent on testing and making sure that WebKit works 
reasonable on the N9, but it is not a hard target for the release.

Instead what we are focusing on it providing a better QML view which comes with 
most of the N9 browser features out of the box.

From: development-bounces+kenneth.r.christiansen=nokia....@qt-project.org 
[development-bounces+kenneth.r.christiansen=nokia....@qt-project.org] on behalf 
of Zhu Xizhi (Nokia-MP/Tampere)
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 3:16 PM
To: development@qt-project.org
Subject: [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?


I would like to get some clarity regarding Qt5 on Harmattan...

Based on the Wiki page here (http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Qt_5.0), 
Harmattan is not a Tier 1 platform.
I also didn't find any Wiki page saying anything regarding Tier 2 and Tier 3 

The only information I can find is from the Qt5-feedback mailing list [1], but 
I don't know any further plans / actions, except Oswald and Thiago pointed out 
Qt5 on Harmattan is still relevant [2].

Then could someone give some clarity to what scope Qt5 is supposed to be 
supported for Harmattan?

Note that there're certain essential (sub-)modules requiring Harmattan-specific 
back-end, e.g. bearer, P&S, system info. Also, many add-on modules from 
ex-mobility also require Harmattan-specific back-end.
Any one currently maintaining the code for Harmattan? Or at least any 
Any CI support under plan?
If there's nobody doing this, and no plan available, how can we keep Qt5 
working on Harmattan?

[1] http://lists.qt.nokia.com/pipermail/qt5-feedback/2011-September/001459.html
[2] http://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,12610

Xizhi Zhu (Steven)

Software Engineer @ Qt Development Frameworks

Mobile: +358 (0)50 480 1247
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