On 03/09/2012 12:36 AM, ext Laszlo Papp wrote:
> I would like to experiment with a command line parser in Qt
> Playground. The topic and the use case were more or less discussed
> previously on the qt5-feedback mailing list around last October.
> It is not a separate module, but class(es). The name for this
> experiment, in playground, would be something like "Command Line
> Parser". According to the regulation: if nobody objects to this
> addition from the beginning, I need to get the support of one existing
> module maintainer in order to be able to experiment with this feature
> in playground.
> Either way, please let me know your thoughts. Thank you in advance!

After having written three project-specific command line parsers in as 
many months, I am enthusiastically in favor of having a general one in 
Qt. Definitely a good idea.

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