On 02/04/2012 08:22, ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
> One of the duties of a maintainer is to ensure that every
> contribution to the code he/she maintains is being reviewed. That is,
> if no one else approves or rejects, the maintainer has the duty to
> make that happen. I've done this in the past and approved based on +1
> given by other people, or by reviewing stuff myself.
> What are we supposed to do when no one else approves or rejects a
> commit that we created ourselves? Or worse, when no one reviews at
> all?
> My question applies mostly to QtDBus, since I don't expect most
> people will know anything about that module. I've (ab)used Stephen's
> goodwill to review simple things, but I don't expect him to
> understand the message delivery path for example.
> What is the suggested procedure?

You don't have to have intimate knowledge about a module to review code 
constructs against policies etc. And if there's no one else with 
knowledge about a module, it's probably a good idea for someone to step 
up and learn a little about that particular module. It's not good that 
only 1 person knows a module, in case that person gets sick, get hit by 
a bus (morbid I know, but still a possibilty) etc.

In any case, try to get someone to review at least the code syntax 
parts, and see if you can persuade them to learning the technical bits 
as well.

Last resort, the Chief Maintainer has the ultimate responsibility ;)

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