By now, I'm sure you've all seen various announcements about the Qt 5 Alpha 
Release and you've hopefully also read Lars' blog on Qt Labs.  The main purpose 
of the Alpha is to show users where Qt 5 is headed and to get feedback on the 
various new features and API's, and some useful feedback that will help us to 
improve Qt 5 is already flowing in.

So, where do we go from here?

The next big milestone for Qt 5 will be the Beta release.  For now, no specific 
date has been set for the Beta -- it will be released "when it's done", and how 
long that takes will depend on all of us in the Qt Community.

As Lars outlined in his blog, the period leading up to the Alpha has delivered 
some big architectural changes inside Qt 5 and some important new features have 
been added.  For now, the time for big changes has passed and the next phase of 
the Qt 5 lifecycle is all about Quality.

The primary goals of the Beta phase are to:
* address API and design feedback received on the Alpha release,
* improve performance and reduce resource consumption,
* improve stability and security of new code, and
* fix regressions from Qt 4.x functionality.

There are several ways that each of us can contribute to achieving the Qt 5 
Beta goals:
* Work on one of the critical tasks that have been identified in Qt's 
bugtracker --
* Fix known bugs -- see
* Test Qt 5 on your platform and report any bugs that you find.
* Help us to improve test coverage (and thus prevent future regressions) by 
fixing or diagnosing known autotest failures.
* Help us to improve the documentation, examples and demos (or contribute new 
examples and demos).

In addressing any of these tasks, it is very important to avoid creating new 
regressions, as these will slow down the efforts of the rest of the community.  
 The commit policy outlined by Lars a couple of weeks ago is one tool for 
reducing regressions, and the Continuous Integration System is another, but 
vigilance from contributors and approvers is also needed.

Qt's CI System will catch many regressions before they make it into the master 
branch, but the CI system depends on autotests -- it can only catch regressions 
in code that is covered by at least one autotest.  Therefore, we should always 
think about whether our changes are covered by existing autotests and seriously 
consider filling in gaps in the test coverage.  Approvers should also be 
mindful of test coverage when reviewing changes.

As many contributors head off for a well-deserved Easter break, it's worth 
reflecting on what we have achieved so far with Qt 5 and on what is still to be 
done.  After Easter, work on Qt 5 Beta will begin in earnest and it promises to 
be an interesting time.

If you have any questions about the Qt 5 Beta (or about testing, release 
planning, or bug tracking), I'll happily do my best to answer them.  As well as 
this email address, you can find me on the Freenode IRC server under the nick 

Happy Easter,
Jason McDonald
QTestLib Maintainer / Quality Evangelist
Development mailing list

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