
I just cut out the rest of the email for clarity. (great that you would
want to help)

I just want to talk about the inherits and inherited by problem.
"Inherits" should always work, because you compile the Qt code that way
(you cannot subclass a class that doesn't exist yet).

I just want to make clear that fixing the "Inherited by" problem without
building all documentation in one go is not that easy.
In theory it would be very easy: We would put the "inherited by" in a
unique HTML element, for example: <p class="inheritedby">. That way we can
open the file as a qdomdocument and replace that paragraph with a new list.

We have said that documentation will get installed to QT_INSTALL_DOCS,
which might be a folder which requires root write-access, in that case we
would need to ask for the sudo password while qdoc is running to be able
to re-write the "inherited by" list, which I think is also not feasible.

Proposals for different approaches are always welcome of course.


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