On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:51 AM,  <lars.kn...@nokia.com> wrote:
> Not true. We do compile qutfcodec into qmake and the bootstrap tools, so
> QString::fromUtf8() does work.  With the change of QString(const char *)
> to convert from utf8 I would assume that qmake at least partially uses
> utf8 by now.
> I think it makes sense to also require utf8 encoding of .pro files to be
> consistent. Also, that's the only way we can get non latin paths to work.

Yes, QUtf8::convertFromUnicode() and QUtf8::convertToUnicode() which
are used by QString::from/toUtf8() can be used in bootstrap tools
directly, but they can't be used through QTextStream.

At present, when QT_NO_TEXTCODEC is defined, QTextStream use
QString::fromLatin1() /QString::toLocal8Bit()
to convert from/to bytes which looks like not very well. So I think it
will be better to replace them with QUtf8::convertFromUnicode() and

Any suggestion?

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