d3fault, after seeing all your posts in this list it is clear that your aim 
might be well aimed but is more obstructive than constructive. There is no lack 
of unavoidable obstacles in the road to Qt 5 launch and we really don't need 
any more - especially if they can be avoided.

Can I ask you to postpone your arguments in this [Development] list against QML 
and the Qt 5 plans until 5.0 is out? In the meantime you can join the team 
pushing further Qt Widgets (or whatever modules you want to contribute to), you 
can test your preferred areas of Qt 5 and provide feedback and bugfixes. You 
can also use the DevNet forum to air any thoughts and willingness to discuss 
with peers.

To all the rest: can I ask you to stop feeding discussions not helping the Qt 5 
release? Really, given the current circumstances it's not easy to get it out. 
The future of Qt is being decided these days through many bfactors and one that 
we can control is to have a good release published. Without that release 
achieved, the rest of discussions about the future are rather pointless, or at 
least clearly not as relevant. 

We need all your help focused on the Qt 5 release, or at least not obstructing 
those of us doing our best putting a visible milestone to the hard work done in 
the past 1-2 years.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Quim Gil
Development mailing list

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