On Monday 16 July 2012 10:50:20 Laszlo Papp wrote:
> > Closing down ports for security reasons can only be a short term
> > emergency measure. Doing it in general does not increase security in the
> > medium term, since the Bad Guys are now using 443 anyway (like everybody
> > else).
> Yeah, the desperate ones who have not lost their sake yet... You are
> proposing, not increase the factor, if possible? Surely, your bicycle
> can be stolen with 2 u-locks as well, but more factor, ergo more
> difficult...

Sorry, but bike locks have keys to disable them. The sanity bot have an option 
to override it. Where is that option in your firewall?

You have no excuse. If you are supposed to work on Qt, your company should 
give you the infrasctructure to do your work.

Did you already open the ticket for your IT department as Thiago suggested 
you? Because as slow as it might be, it may still take less time than waiting 
for qt-project to change as well. (also a big corporation).

I don't know why you are even arguing to justify the bad behaviour of your IT 

Do you realize you are asking the Qt project to adapt because your company 
can't provide you the basics to do your work?
What will be the next step? "Sorry I don't compile my changes anymore because 
the company antivirus won't let me compile." or "Can you please change gerrit 
to accept my patches embedded in .doc document because I'm not allowed to 
install git on my workstation and all I have is MS Office, lol"


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