We are pushing as hard as we can to make it happen asap, but with all 
the vacations happening in Europe right now I think it will happen in 
early August.


On 23/07/2012 08:41, Liu Song.7 (Nokia-MP/Beijing) wrote:
> Thanks, but about when will we have a beta release ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Storm-Olsen Marius (Nokia-MP/Austin)
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 9:40 PM
> To: Liu Song.7 (Nokia-MP/Beijing)
> Cc: development@qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Development] Latest stable Qt5 code
> Importance: High
> On 23/07/2012 08:34, ext song.7....@nokia.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can somebody point out how to get the latest stale Qt5 code ?
> The latest "stale" ;) Qt5 code should be what you get when you check out the 
> master branch of qt5.git, as it and its submodules are only updated when the 
> all the autotests pass (which in _theory_ should mean stable).
>> Is there some any tag for that ?
> No, not until we have a Beta release. There's an alpha tag, but that's per 
> definition not a stable release, and it's really old by now.
> --
> .marius
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